How To Post A Link On Reddit In Comments
Now that you've signed up for a Reddit account, it's time to start posting content and earning karma points! This lesson will explain how to post various different types of content, including text posts, hyperlinks, images, and comments.
Logging into Reddit
Logging into Reddit is super easy, and can be done right from their home page. Start by going to in your web browser of choice. Below the search box in the upper-right portion of the screen, you will find Reddit's log-in box.
Click in the box labelled "User Name" and type in the user name that you picked for yourself when you created your account. Then, click in the box labelled "Password" and type in the password that you chose to protect your account. Finally, click the Log In button.
That's it! You're logged into Reddit!
To make a text post on Reddit:
1. Go to in your web browser and log into your account.
Hopefully, you've done this by now. If you haven't, see the above section.
2. Click the "Submit a New Text Post" button.
On the right-hand side of Reddit's home page, underneath the search box, you should see two buttons very close to each other. Click the one that says Submit a New Text Post.
3. Give your post a title and some (optional) content.
Once you're on the post creation screen, click in the box labelled "Title" and type in a title for your post. Then, click in the box labelled "Text" and type in what you want to say (though this is optional, and you can just let your title speak for itself if you want). If you need help figuring out how to apply special effects to the text in your post, such as bolding it, making it into a bulleted list, or marking it as a quote, click Formatting Help.
4. Choose the "subreddit" that you want your post to appear in.
Every post on Reddit has to be part of a "subreddit." A "subreddit" is basically Reddit's term for a forum that contains posts about a particular topic.
Click in the box labelled "Choose a Subreddit" and begin typing in a keyword or phrase concerning your post's content. As you do so, a drop-down menu will appear with suggestions of subreddits that have similar names to your keyword or phrase. Click one of the suggestions to pick it. You can also click one of the suggestions below "Your Subscribed Subreddits" to pick a subreddit from one that you are currently following the activity of.
5. Configure any other options, pass the security check, and submit your post.
Underneath "Options", you can click the check box here to mark or unmark it. If it's marked, then any comments made about your post will show up in your message inbox (which you can access by clicking the envelope icon next to your user name). If it isn't marked, you will have to search for your post by hand in order to see if anyone has commented on it. (Don't worry; we'll show you how to do this in our Reddit Search tutorial.)
You will also need to pass a security check so that Reddit knows that you're an actual human posting legitimate content, and not an automated program designed to mass-post meaningless drivel. Below "Are You Human?" you will see two boxes. Click in the bottom one and type in the distorted letters that you see in the top one.
When you're all done, click the Submit button. There! Your post should appear shortly.
To post a picture on Reddit:
1. Open your web browser, go to, and log in.
If you haven't done this already, see the section above on "How to Log into Reddit".
2. Click the "Submit a New Link" button.
Turn your attention to the two buttons below the search box on the right-hand side of the screen. Click the top one, Submit a New Link.
3. Click "Choose File" in the "Image" box, select a picture, and give your post a title.
You will be taken to the picture/link post creation screen. You will notice that it looks somewhat different from the one for creating a text post.
To add a picture to your post, click the Choose File button in the box labelled "Image". An explorer window will pop up, where you can navigate through your computer files until you find the picture that you want to add. Click on the picture to select it, and then click Open.
If you want to go back and select a different picture (or add a link instead of a picture), click the "X" beside your current picture.
For the last part of this step, you will need to give your post a title. Click in the box labelled "Title" and type in what your post is about.
4. Select a "subreddit" to add your picture to.
You must now select a particular topic on Reddit — commonly called a "subreddit" — in which you want your post to appear.
Click in the box labelled "Choose a Subreddit" and begin typing in a keyword or phrase that relates to the hyperlink or picture that you added. While you type, a drop-down menu will appear with suggestions of subreddits that have similar names to your keyword or phrase. Click one of the suggestions to select it as the one that you want your post to be a part of. Below "Your Subscribed Subreddits", you can see which ones you are currently following activity on; you can click one of them to select it as the one to add your post to.
5. Configure any other options, pass the security check, and submit your picture.
In the "Options" box, you can click the check box to toggle it. If it's marked, then any comments made about your post will show up in your message inbox (which you can access by clicking the envelope icon next to your user name). If it isn't, you will have to check your post manually in order to see if there are any new comments about it.
Reddit also requires you to pass a security check to make sure that you aren't a computer program littering its subreddits with automated posts. In the section labelled "Are You Human?", click in the bottom box and type in the distorted letters that you see in the top one.
When you've finished filling in all of your information, click the Submit button. Your picture or link should appear in the subreddit that you chose shortly!
How to post a link on Reddit
Posting a link is very similar to posting a picture. Start by logging into Reddit and clicking Submit a New Link. Then, click in the box labelled "U.R.L." and type in the web address of the page that you want to link to. Then choose a subreddit for your post, pass the security check, and hit Submit.
Commenting on a post
Feel like having your say about something that someone has posted on Reddit? The instructions below will outline how to leave a comment on a post, or a comment in response to another comment.
1. Log into your account on
If you need a reminder of how to do this, see the "How to Log into Reddit" section above.
2. Find a post that you want to comment on, and click "Comments" below it.
You will now need to browse or search for a text post, picture, or link that you want to say something about. When you find what you're looking for, click the Comments button below the post. (The number next to the Comments button tells you how many comments have been posted about this particular story.)
3. Click in the comments box, type in what you want to say, and then click "Save".
You will find the comment box almost directly below the text post, picture, or hyperlink information. Click inside it, type in your response to the post, and then click the Save button.
(NOTE: If you need help figuring out how to apply special effects to your text, such as italicizing it, adding a hyperlink to it, or making it superscript, click Formatting Help.)
4. To respond to another comment, click "Reply" below it.
If you want to comment on something that someone has already said about the topic, click the Reply button below their post. A comment box will appear; click in it, and then type in a response to the user's comment. Then click Save to post your reply, or Cancel if you think better of it.
(NOTE: click Formatting Help to learn how to apply different effects to your text on Reddit.)
That's our primer on how to post all different types of content on Reddit! In the next tutorial, we'll show you how to search through Reddit for specific subject matter.
How To Post A Link On Reddit In Comments
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